About 金滿堂甜品 Golden Hall Dessert
金滿堂甜品 ── 自2003年於九龍城開設首間舖至今, 衷心感謝每一位客人陪伴我們走過每個年頭, 一起見證金滿堂的成長與發展 ; 同時亦感謝員工們的努力付出。 因有大家的支持與認同,員工們的同心協力, 成就了我們成為一間受歡迎的甜品店。 今後,我們承諾各位, 我們會繼續堅持「沒有最好,只有更好」的精神🏃🏻♂️🏃🏻♀️ 繼續嚴選食材,改良及創新產品, 貫徹金滿堂對甜品的執著與堅持 🙌🏻感謝🙏🏻20% off entire menu
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$70.00朱古力心太軟 (含2球雪糕)
$98.00香港好椰 New!
No.1 系列 Best
1️⃣0️⃣大人氣甜品👍🏻 時時有客人問有咩好推介,最好賣係咩…..小店整合了所有系列最好賣的10款產品,真心推介🫶🏻
(椰皇燉蛋白+湯丸+清心丸*椰汁底)Sweet ball and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$88.00芒芒小丸子
(雪糕 +小丸子 +芒果 +芒汁底)Ice cream and Rice balls in Mango soup$66.00龍吐珠
(龍眼 +黑珍珠 +水晶珠 +椰果 +龍眼冰)Longan and Sago in Longan Iced$66.00朱古力心太軟 (含2球雪糕)
Chocolate Souffle with Ice-cream$80.00金玉滿堂
(芒果 +小丸子 +水晶珠 +雪糕 +龍眼)Ice cream Mango and Longan in Mango soup$70.00麥提莎糯米糍 (5粒)
Maltesers Glutinous Dumpling$38.00下一站杏福( 熱 )
( 清心丸+芋圓+燉蛋白+杏仁露 )Clean bean dumpling, taro balls, milk custard with almond milk$63.00十郎小玉
(紫薯芋泥 +豆腐花 +芋圓 +紅豆 +小丸子 +椰汁底)Mashed Purple Potato & Taro, Tofu Pudding, Taro Balls, Red Bean and Glutinous Rice Balls in Coconut Milk$70.00榴槤飄香
(榴槤 +布甸 +水晶珠 +椰果 +泰式珍珠 +榴槤汁底)Durian Pudding in Durian Iced$76.00宇治金時
( 綠茶雪糕+椰果+小丸子+紅豆+煉奶+綠茶雪花冰 )Sakura Ice Green tea Flavor$73.00
甜蜜蜜🐰餐 Combo
幸福就係 🐰靜靜地食個甜品咁簡單(^3^)
8 個甜品選擇中選兩款 +麥提莎糯米糍一盒 或粿子三粒(味道按期間限定)$158.00幸福🐰一人餐
8 個甜品選擇中選一款 + 雪糕一球 + 咖啡果凍$88.00
招牌椰皇系列 Coconut
(椰皇燉蛋白+湯丸+清心丸*椰汁底)Sweet ball and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$88.00紫霞仙子
(椰皇燉蛋白+芋圓+清心丸*椰汁底)Clean bean dumpling, taro balls, milk custard in coconut king with coconut milk$88.00桃園燕
(椰皇燉蛋白+芋圓+桃膠+清心丸+雪燕)Taro Peach Gum and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$98.00桃花仙子
(椰皇燉蛋白+桃膠+清心丸*椰汁底)Peach Gum and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$88.00榴槤女皇
(椰皇燉蛋白+榴槤+清心丸*椰汁底)Durian and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$93.00芒果大皇
(椰皇燉蛋白+芒果粒+清心丸*椰汁底)Mango and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$93.00
芒果之王 Mango
(雪糕 +小丸子 +芒果 +芒汁底)Ice cream and Rice balls in Mango soup$66.00金玉滿堂
(芒果 +小丸子 +水晶珠 +雪糕 +龍眼)Ice cream Mango and Longan in Mango soup$70.00樂天
( 芒果+清心丸+雪糕+花奶+紫米露底 )Mango clean bean dumpling with glutinous rice and ice cream$70.00金枝玉葉
(芒果 +小丸子 +水晶珠 +龍眼)Mango Longan and Sago in Mango soup$66.00椰汁香芒清心丸
(芒果 +椰果 +水晶珠 +蘆薈 +清心丸 +椰汁底)Mango and Clean Bean Dumpling in Coconut Milk$66.00白馬黃紫
( 芒果+小丸子+花奶+紫米露底 )Mango and rice ball with black glutinous rice$63.00芒果豆腐花小丸子
榴槤之霸 Durian
(榴槤肉+清心丸+椰果+忌廉+青水凍+榴槤沙冰底)Durian and Clean Bean Dumpling in Durian Iced with cream$76.00榴槤飄香
(榴槤 +布甸 +水晶珠 +椰果 +泰式珍珠 +榴槤汁底)Durian Pudding in Durian Iced$76.00月光寶盒 New !
( 布甸+桃膠+清心丸+榴槤肉+榴槤沙冰 )Peach gum bean dumplings in durian iced$76.00
龍眼冰冰 Longan
(龍眼 +黑珍珠 +水晶珠 +椰果 +龍眼冰)Longan and Sago in Longan Iced$66.00香港好椰 New!
(芒果粒+椰果+綠水晶+竹筒青水凍+龍眼椰汁沙冰底)$73.00忌廉龍眼冰 New!
(龍眼肉+清心丸+椰果+忌廉+青水凍+龍眼椰汁沙冰底) longan coconut iced$66.00波羅波羅咪 New!
(龍眼肉+清心丸+桃膠+牛奶布甸+龍眼椰汁沙冰底) longan coconut iced$66.00
特色傳統 New Tradition
雪中送炭 ( 熱 )
(湯丸 +清心丸 +伴蛋白燉奶 +椰汁底)Sweet ball with protein in cocount milk$60.00花好月圓 ( 熱 )
(湯丸 +清心丸 +桃膠 +芋圓 +薑水底)Sweet ball peach gum and Taro in ginger soup$60.00金桃花 ( 熱 )
(桃膠 +清心丸 +伴蛋白燉奶 +椰汁底)Peach gum and clean bean dumpling with protein in cocount milk$60.00小燕格格 ( 熱 )
(伴蛋白燉奶+芋圓+桃膠+清心丸+雪燕)Taro Peach Gum and Coconut milk custard in Coconut milk$68.00下一站杏福( 熱 )
( 清心丸+芋圓+燉蛋白+杏仁露 )Clean bean dumpling, taro balls, milk custard with almond milk$63.00三生有杏( 熱 )
(桃膠 +清心丸 +伴蛋白燉奶 +杏汁底)Peach gum bean dumpling almond milk with milk custrod$63.00銀竹花 ( 熱 ) ( 即叫即撞 )
(薏米 +腐竹 +銀杏 +蛋花)Dried bean crud and ginkgo soup with egg$60.00男神寵杏( 熱 ) ( 即叫即撞 )
(桃膠+ 清心丸+ 芋圓+ 雪燕+ 蛋白杏仁露)Peach gum bean dumpling taro in almond milk with egg white$73.00
傳統糖水 Tradition
蛋白杏仁露 ( 熱 ) ( 即叫即撞 )
Almond milk with protein$60.00薑湯暖心湯圓 *芝麻餡 ( 熱 )
Sweet ball in ginger soup$53.00薏米腐竹清心丸
Dried bean crud and clean bean dumpling in ginkgo soup$53.00芝麻糊伴湯丸. *芝麻餡 ( 熱 )
Sesame soup and sweet ball$53.00陳皮紅豆沙
Chinese red bean soup$46.00川貝桃膠燉咸檸 ( 熱 )
( 稀少糖使用 )Chinese herbs and peach gum with salted lemon$60.00香滑芝麻糊
Black sesame sweet soup$46.00
芋圓, 豆花, 仙草, 涼粉系列 Tofu Taro
(芋圓+小丸子+西米+咖啡水晶+忌廉+仙草+豆腐花+黑糖水)Taro balls, mini glutinous rice ball, sago, coffee jelly, cream, grass jelly, tofu pudding with brown sugar soup$63.00鮮雜果涼粉(芒汁底) ( 可選雪糕 )
Mix fruit & grass jelly in mango soup$73.00日式紅豆豆腐花
(小丸子 +紅豆 +豆腐花 +椰汁底)Red bean Tofu pudding and Rice balls in Coconut milk$58.00雪中花
(雪糕 +涼粉 +紅豆 +豆腐花 +椰汁底)Red bean Glass jelly and Tofu pudding with Ice cream in Coconut Milk$63.00十郎小玉
(紫薯芋泥 +豆腐花 +芋圓 +紅豆 +小丸子 +椰汁底)Mashed Purple Potato & Taro, Tofu Pudding, Taro Balls, Red Bean and Glutinous Rice Balls in Coconut Milk$70.00寶島
(芋圓+小丸子+西米+咖啡水晶+忌廉+紫薯芋泥+仙草+豆腐花+黑糖水)Taro balls, mini glutinous rice ball, sago, coffee jelly, cream, taro paste, grass jelly, tofu pudding with brown sugar soup$70.00芒果涼粉
Mango and grass jelly in mango soup$60.00杏花村 (凍)
( 小丸子+芋圓+芒果+豆花+杏仁露底 )Mango taro rice ball tofu pudding in almond milk$63.00杏運草 (凍)
( 小丸子+芋圓+芒果+仙草+杏仁露底 )Mango taro rice ball herb jelly in almond milk$63.00
刨冰 Snow flake
( 雲呢拿雪糕+清心丸+椰果+蜜糖星星+忌廉+煉奶+巨峰綿綿冰 )Sakura Ice Grape Flavor$73.00芒果雪花冰
( 芒果雪糕+清心丸+椰果+蜜糖星星+忌廉+煉奶+芒果綿綿冰 )Sakura Ice Mango Flavor$73.00北極熊
( 雲呢拿雪糕+脆脆+朱古力眼仔+餅+煉奶+椰子雪花冰 )Sakura Ice Coconut Flavor$73.00宇治金時
( 綠茶雪糕+椰果+小丸子+紅豆+煉奶+綠茶雪花冰 )Sakura Ice Green tea Flavor$73.00
小食 Snacks
朱古力心太軟 (含2球雪糕)
Chocolate Souffle with Ice-cream$80.00芒果糯米糍 ( 3 粒 )
Mango Glutinous Dumpling$38.00麥提莎糯米糍 (5粒)
Maltesers Glutinous Dumpling$38.00摩卡摩卡 New!
( 朱古力心太軟+朱古力雪糕+咖啡果凍+忌廉 )Chocolate souffle, chocolate ice-cream, coffee jelly with cream$80.00香芋芝芝 (3粒)
(香芋紫薯芝士糯米糍)Taro potato cheese dumpling$38.00布甸二重奏 (朱古力牛乳布甸 + 芒果牛乳布甸)
Chocolate milk pudding and Mango milk pudding$48.00咖啡皇后
(咖啡雪芭 + 咖啡果凍 + 忌廉)Coffee sherbet and coffee jelly$48.00
特色飲品 Drinks
(特濃朱古力+朱古力粉+朱古力脆脆+朱古力雪糕+朱古力醬)Chocolate ice-cream, cocoa powder, chocolate syrup, milo with chocolate milk$53.00雪糕紅豆冰
(紅豆+雲呢拿雪糕+ 西米+椰汁)$48.00🥥 100%椰青水, 絕無添加
🥥 100%椰青水,絕無添加 (一支)coconut water$20.00醉芋紫風
(雲呢拿雪糕+牛奶布丁+紫薯芋泥+椰汁)Vanilla ice-cream, taro paste, milk pudding with coconut milk$53.00